a. Bathwaredirect.com.au takes no responsibility for any product once despatched from our warehouse.

b. Bathwaredirect.com.au does not accept any liability whatsoever for consequential loss, injury or damage caused by circumstances beyond our control,  including but not limited to misuse, negligent use, excessive use, alteration, modification, defective installation, maintenance or repair of the product.

c. Bathwaredirect.com.au  does not accept any liability whatsoever for consequential loss, injury, or damage caused by use of the product in a manner not designed, recommended or intended by the manufacturer. 

d. Bathwaredirect.com.au  does not accept any liability whatsoever for shower screens, un-installable shower screens, toilets, vanities etc due to non-ideal bathroom conditions. It is the customer's responsibility to determine if the product is suitable for their application and use.

e. Bathwaredirect.com.au  does not accept any liability whatsoever for product breakages, consequential loss, injury or damages to property (e.g. shower screens, bathrooms, vanities, etc) or persons as a result of DIY installations.

f. Bathwaredirect.com.au does not accept any liability whatsoever for any third party claims or financial claims for delayed works as a result of undelivered  goods, goods lost or damaged during transit.

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